Should I label myself?

Matias Sebert
2 min readDec 19, 2020

I’m happy to get to answer this.

Your sexuality is something that you can either make public or keep to yourself. It’s ultimately your choice how you decide to do it.

You should not have to feel pressured into labeling yourself, why? Labels are toxic and that could be a reason why you’re uncomfortable.

I personally call myself “gay” because I feel that describes me the best. That doesn’t really make any sense but it does.

Whoever and whatever you may like, you are just as much human as something who does decide to label themself.

If you choose to go by bi, that’s okay. If you choose to go by gay, that’s also your choice. But you don’t even have to label yourself! You could just be a human who likes multiple genders.

Some people like labels, some people don’t. It’s not for everyone. Society has also made it seem like you have to put a label on yourself.
You do you and you do you only. If you don’t like labels, then please don’t put one upon yourself.

A way you could be open about it though could be something like:

“Hey, I think I might like men and women.. but I don’t want to put a label on it because I wouldn’t be comfortable with that..”

It could be something as simple as that. And you don’t even have to say anything in the first place. Just live your life and be happy as you are :)

The people who love you will respect your decision regardless. I don’t even know you but I respect the fact that you are not comfortable with something and it’s not even my problem in the first place.

Whoever and whatever you are, you are great! You don’t have to put any label on yourself unless you would like to.

Don’t let the pressure of what other people want you to do get in the way of you feeling comfortable.

You know we’re superstars we are who we are.. -Kesha

Labels are toxic. But your sexuality.. is not.

Have a nice day!

~Lord gaEy elephant



Matias Sebert

Hey guys it’s me, Matias Sebert, now making an appearance on medium. I’m here for some reason. I have Quora!