Who I follow, is not your concern.
It’s not really anyone’s problem who I follow. If I choose to follow someone, that’s because I think they’re worth following in the first place. Not if I unfollow someone, that’s also not anyone’s problem.
That person whom I unfollowed doesn’t have to be upset about it. First off, it’s one follow. Second, it’s not like you lost all your followers. And look I may have accidentally unfollowed you, it’s not a big deal.
People unfollow people all the time, it’s not something uncommon.
I try to follow people who post quality content, and I am just attracted to that person's personality in general. Say they’re funny, smart, real, honest. Those types of qualities.
Are you asking me to unfollow you? Because I can if you want me to. I have a reason to be following you this very second, just as I do with everyone else I am following.
It’s my choice who I choose to follow, and if you don’t like that.. well there's not much I can do but say that’s a “you” problem.
Also, just because I’m not following you, doesn’t mean I don’t think you’re special.
But, “Would you unfollow me because I asked you to?”. You don’t have to ask me for me to do it, but that’s a yes. Be offended, that’s okay.
While I’m at it, I might as well quote a Kesha song:
’Cause the only people who got time to get offended, are the ones who’ve probably never gotten off..
So with that, peace.
~Lord gaEy elephant